What I've been... 

the beatles album covers



Over the holiday break, I decided to reorganize my records and put them in order of date. It has me diving into all my favourite albums, but specifically, The Beatles.

listen to it! 

 the agony and the ecstasy


This has become one of my favourite books I have ever read. It was beautifully written and completely pulls you into the world of Michelangelo, sculpture, and the political nature of Italy during the Renaissance. Especially after just visiting Italy and seeing so many of his works in person and traveling in the cities he made art in, this was a special read.

read it!

 triangle of sadness movie


This movie was put on my radar by miss Kaja and wow if you have ever worked in the service industry this is a must-watch. This movie hilariously compares and contrasts the class system. It also comments on today's influencer and reality tv celebrities, they brilliantly speak to our obsession with the depiction of our lives on the screen versus real life.

watch it! 

 adventure day with my nieces

Each Christmas we gift our nieces and nephews an adventure. Our two youngest got a day with Auntie and their Uncle and we went to the Museum of Nature. I adore these days, we get quality time together, and the best part is seeing their minds expand. We explored the fossils, dioramas, insects, and owls, these two were blown away. The best part of the day is when the youngest declared 'she was having the best day ever!'
upcycled clothing
January was dedicated to working through my collection of clothes to upcycle. These items are all stained and damaged and I work to upcycle them in a unique way to make sure they are given a new life. With each collection I get a little nervous I will never create anything this good again, thankfully that fear is put off for another year because the 2023 THREADED Collection is on fire!
Written by Carissa McCaig

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