What I've been...

This is a great listen, it kept me gripped and focused while sewing. It takes you to different aspects of the ocean, how unpoliced it truly is, and how outlaws have been allowed to do whatever they want. It was very educational and opened my eyes to how committed with have to be to buying local.
listen to it!
If you follow Copious on Instagram, you will have seen me raving about this book. Olivia Laing pulls together a career's worth of writing about art and culture, examining their role in our political and emotional lives. It truly inspires us to push forward and instills how important art is to not only consume but to make.
read it!
I haven't watched this since college, where we studied costumery and set design in this film. With Part 2 coming out, I wanted to do a rewatch and it did not disappoint. This holds up 10-plus years later as a true comedic gem. Highly recommend watching this to bring a little jovial joy into your life.
watch it!

My focus this past month has been putting the finishing touches on threaded | edition 13. New no labels, just vibes t-shirts are now available to shop to help put you in that spring vibe.
shop threaded

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