December HQ Happenings
What I've been... LISTENING TO I'm a big believer in reading the book first but didn't have time before seeing the Scorsese movie, so I opted for the audiobook and it is worth a listen....
What I've been... LISTENING TO I'm a big believer in reading the book first but didn't have time before seeing the Scorsese movie, so I opted for the audiobook and it is worth a listen....
What I've been... LISTENING TO There are lots of podcasts out there about catfishing, but LOVE, Janessa focuses on why one woman's image is used so much when it comes to these 'love scams.'...
What I've been... LISTENING TO This podcast had me hooked. Your Copious gal has needed 100% focus on sewing, and a good podcast majorly helps keep that focus. Each season of this podcast is really...
What I've been... LISTENING TO My focus has waxed and waned over the last month. This always happens when a project is very repetitive. A good podcast can help keep me focused and not stray. Season...
What I've been... LISTENING TO All month I have been bingeing all the acts I will be seeing at Bluesfest and I can't wait to see Shania on stage! Her albums were played a...
What I've been... LISTENING TO I started the First Law Series by Joe Abercrombie 5 years ago, but for some reason never went onto Book 3. Wanting to dive back in, I listened to...