August HQ Happenings

What I've been...  LISTENING TO My nephew started taking guitar lessons this summer, which is my greatest dream realized to have someone musical in the family. I have been binging lots of music, including zeppelin...

July HQ Happenings

What I've been...  LISTENING TO The Smiths have been my soundtrack for the last month. While I have been sewing up orders, cutting out dresses & dreaming about being in Italy I was listening to...

June HQ Happenings

    What I have been listening to...   I love this show, but have held off listening to this podcast because I don’t love recap podcasts, I find them boring. This week I needed something...

May HQ Happenings

What I have listening to...   This has quickly become a favourite podcast of mine. It tackles a new issue each week that is occurring in countries around the world. By highlighting issues that might not...

April HQ Happenings

  What I have listening to...   Is it just me or do you get nervous for beloved bands who are putting out new music? Thankfully RHCP got it all right with their new album Unlimited...

March HQ Happenings

  What I have listening to...   I have been bored with my podcast selection of late, until Miss Kaja got me hooked on the Hollywood Con Queen. This story is crazy, but what is even...